
Retirement and Lifestyle Planning

Tax Advice

Planning for the Unexpected

We have been working with families across Australia, some now for over 20 years, providing personal financial advice to help clients build, protect and manage their wealth through their entire life journey.
It means really getting to know our clients, having meaningful conversations, and uncovering their goals and aspirations, so together we can implement a plan towards achieving these goals.
Importantly, it's then about acting as the accountability coach by regularly revisiting the plan, keeping our clients in control of their situation and on track.
To get in touch with Financial Advice Matters and organise a complimentary and obligation-free initial consultation, you can call their head office at 07 3721 4400, or send an email via the link below. Alternatively, you can submit an online enquiry via the Financial Advice Matters website linked below.
Q: Can you support individuals outside of QLD?
A: Yes, we support clients throughout Australia both with face-to-face and digital delivery.
Q: Can we have an online meeting?
A: Yes, we have multiple options to facilitate meetings via phone, zoom or face-to-face.
Q: How do you charge for your service?
A: Financial Advice Matters is a Fee for Service organisation. Our fee is determined through our discussions with clients, the complexity of their situation and the implementation of the plan. We present our clients with a Terms of Engagement for acceptance prior to implementation, which incorporates the services Financial Advice Matters will provide and the fee associated with this service.
Q: Does it cost to meet with an adviser?
A: Your first meeting is a non-obligation, free of charge meeting where we will get to know you and establish where we can provide value to your situation. After this, we will take the time to develop your strategy across multiple meetings. Only upon acceptance of this will you become a fee paying client where a fee will be established. At no stage is there an obligation to become a client.
Financial Advice Matters Group Pty Ltd ABN 11 605 631 598 is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 1234989) of Alliance Wealth Pty Ltd and Credit Representative (No. 480095) of Centrepoint Lending Solutions Pty Ltd.
This information has been provided as general advice. We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs, or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of the advice. You should obtain and consider the relevant Product Discloser Statement (PDS) and seek the assistance of an authorized financial adviser before making any decision regarding any products or strategies mentioned.