Our work is made possible through the support of generous Australians
National Seniors is the leading not-for-profit organisation fighting for a fair go for older Australians.
We rely on people like you to donate so we can continue to tackle issues such as age discrimination, accessible housing, pension poverty, health costs, aged care, improve retirement income and provide more home care places so that older Australians can live safely and make ends meet.
You can also leave a legacy gift in your will. Make the difference in the world that you want to see for older Australians.

You’ll find us working hard in the media and behind the scenes influencing change at all levels of government to:
- Rebuild the retirement income system based on principles of adequacy, sustainability, certainty and fairness.
- Fix pension poverty so older Australians who struggle to make ends meet can afford necessities including basic internet.
- Provide more home care places so that older people can safely live at home, rather than residential aged care.
Please note: although National Seniors Australia Ltd ABN 89 050 523 003 is a registered charity, it is not a registered Deductible Gift Recipient. This means donors cannot claim a tax deduction.
Leave a legacy gift in your will
We appreciate the many ways we receive financial support. If you are considering leaving a legacy gift in your will to National Seniors Australia, we can help.

Our work is made possible through the support of generous Australians
National Seniors Australia is a not-for-profit organisation established in 1976.
We rely on people like you to become a member, or use our services to help us advocate for better outcomes for people aged over 50. We tackle issues such as age discrimination, accessible housing, pension poverty, health costs, aged care and improving retirement income.
Members have exclusive access to discounts, a yearly subscription to Our Generation magazine, local community branches, access to our Financial Information Consultant for independent information, tools and resources and more.
For only $49.50, anyone can become a member and it only takes a few minutes to join.

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