Help National Seniors to lobby your local politician

As part of our election campaign we are asking members and supporters to post or email letters to their local members about issues of most concern to them.
We have created seven (7) form letters from the election platform that you can use to show your support for the election campaign.
All you have to do is:
Step 1: Choose the issue of most concern to you (see list below or download the full election document here for more details if you need help deciding).
Step 2: Download the letter corresponding to the issue that matters most to you
Step 3a: Fill out the missing details in the letter (click here for instructions) electronically and email to your local politician
Step 3b: Print and fill out the missing details in the letter (click here for instructions) and post to your local politician.
Note: To help you find the postal details or email address of your local politician just click here (takes you to the Australian Parliament website).
List of form letters
Fix pension poverty
- Independent Age Pension Tribunal
- Expand dental care for pensioners
- Increase rent assistance payment
- Provide a subsidy for the NBN
Click here to open fix pension poverty candidate letter
Aged care quality and safety
- Triple level 3 and 4 home care places,
- Require publication of staffing ratios in residential care
- Dementia training for all care staff
Click here to open aged care quality and safety candidate letter
Health costs
- Publish specialist fees online and encourage GPs to promote choice
- Limit health insurance premiums to CPI
Click here to open health costs candidate letter
Fair retirement incomes
- Retain franking credit refunds
- Reduce the asset test taper rate to $2.00
- Exempt $250,000 of downsizing sale proceeds from pension asset test
Click here to open fair retirement incomes candidate letter
Energy costs
- Reinstate indexation to the Energy Supplement
Click here to open energy costs candidate letter
Elder abuse
- Accelerate moves to create national Powers of Attorney laws and a single national register
Click here to open elder abuse candidate letter
Centrelink waiting times
- Cut Centrelink phone and processing waiting times
Click here to open Centrelink waiting times candidate letter