Notice of Annual
General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of National Seniors Australia Ltd (ACN 050 523 003) will be held in person at 11.00am (AEST / Brisbane time) at Level 24, 215 Adelaide Street Brisbane on Thursday November 24th, 2022. It will also be held electronically at the same time and date. Feel free to arrive from 10.30 for morning tea.

1. To receive and consider the financial report, including the directors’ declaration, for the year ended 30 June 2022 and the related directors’ report and auditors’ report.
2. To appoint the auditors and fix their remuneration.
3. To elect Directors.
4. To consider minor changes to the constitution.
4. To receive and answer questions raised by members present or received via email to Lee Horobin at or posted to GPO Box 1450 Brisbane 4001. Questions to be received no later than 7 days prior to the meeting date of the AGM.
Please advise Anne Robertson by Thursday 17th November 2022 of your attendance, including your membership number.
Email: or phone (07) 3233 9166.
Remote access to the meeting will be provided by email 1 week prior to the meeting.