Age Pension Service
Our partners at Retirement Essentials help you get faster and easier access to your Age Pension or health card.

We understand the Age Pension is an important source of retirement income for older Australians, and our members have told us just how complicated and frustrating the process of applying for it (and keeping it) can be.
A typical experience involves hundreds of complicated questions, multiple visits to a Centrelink office and long queues and wait times. Many people find it so complicated they give up or else delay going through the process of applying.
Retirement Essentials own research indicates people are delaying applying for the Age Pension by, on average, 3.2 years and costing themselves an average of $69,000. This is money most seniors can ill afford to do without.
Retirement Essentials makes applying for the Age Pension, and the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, easier:
- Simple online process
- Only one planned stress-free visit to Centrelink - avoid the backwards and forwards
- Support from specialists throughout your application process
- Confidence you are getting all your Age Pension entitlements
- Save time by applying from the comfort of your own home and at your pace
- Help to keep your entitlements, including reminders when you need to update Centrelink
- Money back guarantee if you don’t get your entitlements
Even if you find you are not eligible for any Age Pension, you could be eligible for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card. This can get you cheaper medicine under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, bulk billed doctor visits and a bigger refund for medical costs when you reach the Medicare Safety Net.
Retirement Essentials is a partner of National Seniors Australia and is not affiliated with any federal government department or agency. Their eligibility calculator is free. If you decide to use their streamlined application support service, fees apply.
Important notice regarding the calculator below
For optimal user experience, we recommend using a browser such as Google Chrome.
Internet Explorer users have reported issues accessing the link.