
CareAbout is our partner in care.

Get the best care for your needs

Get the best care for your needs

One call is all it takes

One call is all it takes

No cost, no commitment

No cost, no commitment

About CareAbout

National Seniors Australia has partnered with CareAbout to help members navigate the complex aged care system with confidence.

CareAbout is not a provider, but they are experts in aged care – providing clear, caring advice that cuts through the jargon. If you’ve received your government funding, they offer a free service that can match you with a Home Care Package provider or nursing home that’s just right for you.

They do this by listening carefully to your health, lifestyle and service needs before connecting you with the support and care that best meets your specific requirements.

This saves you the headache of spending hours comparing providers and agonising over the details. Not to mention the stress of making such an important decision on your own.

Since their first customer in 2017, CareAbout has helped over 130,000 Australian families find the quality care they deserve and the peace of mind that comes with it.

Why choose CareAbout

Clear, caring advice

You’ll feel confident and optimistic as we guide you expertly through the aged care maze to get the support you need.

A listening ear

You won’t feel rushed or overlooked. We listen carefully to understand your health, lifestyle and cultural preferences.

Quality care options

You’ll enjoy peace of mind knowing that our recommended providers are carefully vetted to meet exceptional standards of care.

CareAbout resources

Your guide to home care

Your guide to home care

Our partners CareAbout give you all the information you need to stay in your home for as long as possible.

5 things you should know before placing a loved one in aged care

5 things you should know before placing a loved one in aged care

Five things you should know before placing a loved one in aged care.

5 Steps to Support at Home

5 Steps to Support at Home

Get the care you need sooner with this step-by-step guide

Prefer to speak with someone on the phone?

Prefer to speak with someone on the phone?

To find your next quality carer, call the friendly customer experience team on 13 13 00.

Exciting announcement

Join our aged care campaign

We are calling for mature age traineeships for more home care workers, grants for small-scale aged care homes, and an independent funding reform process for aged care.

By contributing to this campaign, you will play a large role in creating a safer and adequately resourced aged care sector, ensuring that older Australians have confidence in the care system.


*While CareAbout is not a Home Care provider, their parent company, CareAbout Holdings Pty Ltd (ABN 41 612 411 720) does own a provider. They will always disclose to you if they make a match with a provider they own or have a financial interest in.

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