Impacted by recent weather events?

The National Seniors Membership team is currently experiencing longer than normal wait times. You can email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you need assistance, please contact the SES State Emergency Service on 132 500. If the matter is life-threatening, please call 000.

Cost of Living

Let Pensioners Work!

Exempt employment income from the Age Pension income test to simplify the pension system and encourage more older people to remain in the workforce if they want to

Freeze pension deeming rates

Continue to freeze deeming rates while interest rates remain high and use this time to create a fair and transparent method for calculating deeming rates in the future

Health and Aged Care

Reduce private health costs

Direct the Productivity Commission to conduct a full review of the private health system to suppress rising private health costs

More Home Care Packages

Immediately increase the number of Home Care Packages to quickly reduce wait times to three months.

Banking and Superannuation

Australia Post Bank

Use the proposed bank levy to assist Australia Post to obtain a banking licence to provide essential banking services in areas where these do not exist.

Protect our savings

Ensure older people have choice and control over their retirement savings (superannuation and other investments) so they retire with confidence and certainty

National Seniors Australia - Federal Budget Submission 2025

Our submission to Treasury, outlines 16 key policy priorities to improve the lives of older people in Australia.

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