Your Experiences Matter
Please share them with us in the 2025 National Seniors Social Survey.

If you live in Australia and you’re aged 50 years and over, this is your invitation to participate in the National Seniors Social Survey (NSSS).
National Seniors Australia’s mission is to advocate for older Australians’ wellbeing and quality of life. But that’s only possible if we know what older people experience, think, and feel about our lives and our place in society.
The annual NSSS gathers this kind of information from thousands of older people every year, on a range of important topics.
We feed the results into our advocacy campaigns, government submissions, and pragmatic proposals for social change.
If more people from different backgrounds complete the NSSS, we get a better sense of the needs and opinions out there.
Each year we cover different topics in the NSSS so our organisation can speak to diverse issues that affect older people.
This year’s survey includes modules on:
Engaging with digital technology
Support to age well
Quality in aged care services
Advocacy questions, this time focusing on property as an investment
Maintaining and improving happiness.
In all these topics, we’re interested in what you know, think, feel, and need.
The NSSS is:
CONFIDENTIAL. Your answers will be completely confidential. No information will be made available that would identify you in any way.
ETHICS APPROVED. The Bellberry Human Research Ethics Committee has reviewed and approved the survey in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) – incorporating all updates. This Statement has been developed to protect the interests of people who agree to participate in research studies.
We want to hear your views, and what you’d like to see change for older Australians as they move through later life.
So come and participate in the 2025 National Seniors Social Survey today. The survey is open until 31 March 2025.Respondents also have the chance to win one of 10 Woolworths or Coles eGift Cards worth $50 each!
Find the survey here.

With age comes wisdom and the more years lived means more experience gained. At every stage of our life, whether we’re benefiting from experience being shared or benefiting from sharing our experience, Experience Matters.