Greener pastures for investors
Investing in private debt is becoming an integral path for investors wishing to diversify their portfolios and seek exposure to a different asset class.
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Private debt is delivering on its objective of giving investors an alternative to traditional income options, such as bonds, infrastructure, and fixed income investments, providing investors with a stable risk-adjusted income stream.
One of the increasingly popular private debt markets is greenfield residential land market, which is a significant sector of the housing story in Australia. A key attraction to this asset class is that it aims to provide capital stability throughout the ever-changing economic cycle.
As banks have tightened their prudential exposures in greenfield funding, non-bank lenders have emerged to fill the void in this space and provide capital support for greenfield developments.
Many of the major greenfield residential projects come with significant upfront construction costs, which banks and other lenders are backing away from, giving the booming private debt market a foothold in this sector.
The market is strong given that Australia has a significant shortage of new housing stock coming onto the market and with state-initiated programs deliver annual housing targets.
While greenfield developments are occurring all over Australia, the state of Victoria has identified greenfield land ideal for residential developments on the fringe of the metropolitan areas recent years.
These new growth corridors follow comprehensive planning between councils and developers, opening up affordable new housing options at scale to meet booming demand.
RMBL is dedicated to actively managing the quality of loans and the risks that can affect its investors. The company is continuously monitoring and reviewing the performance of loans to ensure it identifies any emerging risks and proactively address concerns before they have the potential to impact investors.
With deep insights into the greenfield residential market, RMBL has complete and ongoing visibility over each investment.
The RMBL Mortgage Income Investments Fund is a select mortgage fund that offers a simple, streamlined way for investors to gain exposure to quality properties and developments via first mortgage debt. Funds are lent to borrowers as a source of finance for their projects, or for other working capital needs.
RMBL’s niche area of expertise is in lending for residential subdivisions and multi-dwelling projects. The Fund also has exposure to the englobo land sector, industrial developments, and subdivisions with other real estate classes.
RMBL prides itself on superior client service, which is one of the reasons why so many clients continue to invest in the Fund. Around 80% of the Fund’s loans are for developments in Victoria, with the remainder of projects located in other major centres including Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth.
Many of RMBL’s property developer borrowers have successfully completed numerous projects with RMBL’s guidance and support over many years. In fact, some investors and borrowers have been with RMBL for more than 40 years, with second generation clients also now part of the Fund.
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This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer, or recommendation to invest in the Fund. You should read the PDS and TMD available at and consider whether an investment in the Fund is right for you before investing.
This article and any links provided are for general information only and should not be taken as constituting professional advice. National Seniors is not a financial advisor. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice to check how any information provided relates to your unique circumstances.