Aged care feedback opportunities
Older Australians are being invited to share their experiences to help drive positive change.

Seniors with experience of aged care have been encouraged to have their voice heard at a national level.
The new Inspector-General of Aged Care, Natalie Siegel-Brown, is seeking input on the effectiveness of the Federal Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.
The Office of the Inspector-General (IGAC) is inviting feedback from anyone interested in the aged care system, especially those with lived experience in aged care or those trying to access it, as well as their loved ones.
Those invited to make submissions, which close on 14 March 2025, include:
Care providers
Consumer groups
Peak bodies
Government agencies
Education providers.
IGAC says it is particularly interested in insights from:
First Nations people
Individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
People with disabilities
LGBTQIA+ individuals
People with dementia
Those living in rural and remote areas
Others with diverse backgrounds.
Submissions can be provided by email, by post, or by leaving a verbal submission on a dedicated phone line (Details are here).
“Your insights are critical in understanding how these reforms are progressing, and I encourage you to contribute,” said Ms Siegel-Brown, who took up the position in January.
“We want to hear from everyone, but especially from those who face inequities or prejudice in accessing or receiving care, and underrepresented communities, to ensure a full and inclusive perspective.”
She added, “While we will highlight positive progress, we will also address challenging questions, identify areas needing more attention, and examine where reforms may not be working as intended.
“At its core, this work is about safeguarding the rights, dignity, and individuality of every older person who needs care.”
More information is available on the Inspector-General’s website here.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) is seeking expressions of interest for the Silver Pride Advocacy Network, Living Experience Advocacy Panel (LEAP).
LHA’s Silver Pride Advocacy Network is a national network that aims to amplify the voices of LGBTIQ+ older people, in discussions about ageing and the aged care system in Australia.
LHA aims to help LGBTIQ+ older people influence policies, programs, and decision-making.
As part of the project, LHA has established a LEAP which currently has five members and is looking for up to five additional members.
All LGBTIQ+ people aged 65 years and over are eligible to apply. The age requirement is 50 and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, trans and gender diverse people, intersex people, people living with HIV/AIDS, and people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
The closing date for expressions of interest is Tuesday, 25 February 2025. Further information is here.