Support at Home program starts in July
Here are some details of the transition to the government’s new in-home care program.

The Australian Government is improving in-home aged care to help older people live independently at home for longer.
The Support at Home program will bring together some current in-home aged care programs, with the aim of ensuring a more equitable system for older people.
Starting 1 July 2025, the Support at Home program will replace the Home Care Packages (HCP) Program and Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC) program.
The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) will move to the new program no earlier than 1 July 2027.
Older people with more complex needs will have access to higher levels of care, helping them to stay home for longer.
Support at Home will improve access to services, products, equipment, and home modifications to help older people remain healthy, active, and socially connected to their community.
Existing in-home aged care programs will continue operating normally until they move to the new program.
The Department of Health and Aged Care will soon be releasing materials to support older people and their families and carers to transition to the Support at Home program.
To receive updates about the aged care reforms, including Support at Home, you can subscribe to the department’s EngAged newsletter.
For more information, you can follow the links below to watch the department’s recent Support at Home webinar and question-and-answer session for older people, families, and carers:
Update webinar (held Thursday 19 September 2024).
Q&A session for older people, families and carers (held Thursday 26 September 2024).
You can also download the new Support at Home booklets for older people, families and carers:
Booklet for older people, families, and carers.
Booklet for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, families, and carers.
Related reading: Support at Home program