
Our local community branches are a great way to expand your social circle with social outings, events, guest speakers and more!

71 Community branches across Australia

71 Community branches across Australia

Enjoy social outings such as day trips and trivia nights

Enjoy social outings such as day trips and trivia nights

Hear from guest speakers on informative topics

Hear from guest speakers on informative topics

Join a National Seniors Branch

Become a member and join your local branch

Become a member and join your local branch

National Seniors members can join their local community branch and get involved in discussing community issues, participate in social events, hear informative guest speakers and meet like-minded members.

Members have exclusive access to discounts, a yearly subscription to Our Generation magazine, local community branches, access to our Financial Information Consultant for independent information, tools and resources and more.

For only $49.50, anyone can become a member and it only takes a few minutes to join.

Scroll down to find your nearest branch.

Want to start your own branch?

Start your own National Seniors Australia branch

Start your own National Seniors Australia branch

Starting a local community branch is a great way to expand your connections with National Seniors members in your area.

Our new social branches give you more flexibility to start a group that meets the interests of seniors in your area. You can meet up for a chat and morning tea, form a walking group, a book club, movie group, lunch group or other social group.

For all the information you need about starting a new branch, read the National Seniors Branch Manual or email

Interested in joining a branch but can't find one located near you? Register your interest.

South Australia

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With National Seniors, your voice is valued. Discover how we campaign for change on your behalf.

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